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Delivery of flowers to the Columbus

Артикул: f03105
Букет сонце весни
61.70 $
Артикул: f03107
Букет щаслива зустріч
64.53 $
Артикул: f02710
Букет Увага
69.04 $
Артикул: f01626_2
72.82 $
Артикул: f02115_2
Букет Чарівна мить
73.12 $
Артикул: f03080
Букет яскравих троянд
74.25 $
Артикул: f02300_2
Композиція зимовий день
74.52 $
Артикул: f01932_2
74.63 $
Артикул: f02711
Букет орхідей
78.11 $
Артикул: f02071
Букет Мерехтіння кольору
80.08 $
Артикул: f01595_2
Перше побачення
84.05 $
Артикул: f03286
Букет сонячні квіти
86.00 $
Артикул: f03077
Букет з альстромерій
90.05 $
Артикул: f01648_2
Букет Світанок
93.99 $
Артикул: f01514_2
Рожева орхідея
94.85 $
Артикул: f01121_2
96.39 $
Артикул: f01768
97.36 $
Артикул: f01773
Зі святом!
101.95 $
Артикул: f01754
Букет 7 білих троянд
101.95 $

Відгуки клієнтів


Племянница получила на день рождения гладиолусы с большим плюшевым медведем — её радость была неподдельной! Мне осталось только поблагодарить Вас за отлично проделанную работу.

The color of topaz

February 19 2025


Простий у всіх відношеннях букет. Насправді із таким подарунком можно сказати більше, ніж із якимось пафосним. Дякую, рідненькі!


December 31 2024


Маленький, но очень ароматный букет. Благодарю, что подсказали заказать именно его - хороший выбор за сравнительно небольшие деньги.

Bouquet Vanilla flavor

January 8 2025


Розы - хороши. Свежесть и красота в каждом отдельном цветке, а в букете все просто шикарно. Рекомендую.

Bouquet of 31 red roses

January 6 2025

показати всі

Flowers delivery – is a good way to make surprise who you loved in, to amaze boss or employees, to express appreciation or gratitude. Delivery of flowers in Columbus can help you in any moment of day or night to glad your friends or relatives by charm of flowers arrangements, to enjoy magnificent fragrance of flowers from bouquet.

Beauty and brightness of flowers palette, fountain splashes and shade of rainbow, all these you can see in flowers, ordered in our company. Bouquets created by our florists are always glad with their uniqueness and soleness. Flowers delivery always brings joy, do you agree? It’s nice to realize, that flowers delivery to Columbus is hard work of professionals, which tend not to present to people just bouquet or arrangement. We want to introduce customers with revel of colors of nature, depth and brightness of flora, its unpredictability.

Flowers delivery for sure will assure addressee in sincerity of your feelings and wishes. It’s customary to present them, whom you appreciate and respect, to whom you wish joy and happiness. We rarely think about fact that even simple bouquet created from field flowers is able not just to surprise. It can tell about your feelings, «in secret» narrate about love or admiration.

Why it’s necessary to choose internet-shop of flowers in Columbus at the market?

Some persons appreciate to buy bouquets of flowers on markets stalls or in shops without thinking about that flowers delivery is more profitable, reliable and cheap. Flowers, which used on market for creating bouquets, are standing in vases for a long time fueled by special agents. Our florists use only fresh and just cut flowers, which stay beautiful, nice, with tough flower heads and flowers buds. Our prices always glad customers with its democracy and loyalty!

To order bouquet in Columbus is to gratify, surprise, delight!

Want to present to your beloved inexpressible emotions and feelings? Want to bring joy by underlining importance of event? Just order flowers in Columbus, which you relatives, nearest or friends like. Delivery of flowers for sure will become suddenness for girl, which waiting for darling with commonplace gift, but will receive chic flowers with postcard.

Flowers delivery for sure will move to tears parents, which missed too much their children and didn’t see them for a long time. Let you can’t see your father and mother very often, but giving a pleasure by original bouquets is possible in any moment! You can right now order bouquet of flowers, which very quickly will be delivered by the door of your relatives. Just imagine happy face of your mother and satisfied smile of father, that don’t expect to see such miracle! Let your loved ones to feel your love, your sincerity, your warmth, let delivery of flowers will become the brightest impassion, the most memorable event! Delivery of flowers in Columbus is great opportunity to tell with help of flowers all what you always wanted to say out loud, but didn’t dare!

4.65 з 5 на основi 346 оцiнок. 13976 відгуків користувачiв.